Advice to New Students: Counselor Edition

High school can seem overwhelming, and especially at the start. These four years may very well determine what life one will live in the future, but how can someone know exactly which class to take or which one to drop? Or what steps to take to ensure you get into your dream school? The best people to ask these questions are the ones who ensure the student body functions like a well oiled machine, the counselors or Fulshear High School.

Up first, we have Mrs.Wright; she overlooks students with last names Mio – Rod. Her advice: “The biggest concern I see most freshman students have is being organized. Starting high school with 7 class periods can sometimes be overwhelming. And if students don’t organize their time, they may become stressed. In addition, I would say that it should be imperative that students get involved in extracurricular activities. It makes their high school experience more enjoyable.”

Mrs. White oversees students with last names Hil – Min. Her advice: “My biggest piece of advice for incoming students is to get involved. If there are dress-up days on campus, participate! If there is a club that interests you, join it! The more involvement you have, the more connected you will feel to the school. Being connected will most definitely enrich the four years that you spend here.”

Mrs.Howe manages students with last names Roe – Z. Her advice: “Get integrated with the school, Get involved in things like clubs, and don’t be afraid to ask your teachers or counselors for help if you are struggling.”

Last but certainly not least, Mrs. Warren is in charge of kids with last names A – Ck. Her advice: “Students should try to aim for themselves to have a one-up in comparison to other students, a good way to do this is participate in extracurriculars and clubs to make your resume diverse.”

As you can see, these ladies know what they are talking about, as they have truly seen it all. Apply these tips and tricks, and you will surely find success on your high school journey!