The Last: Queen Elizabeth II

The Last
The unexpected always hits you when you’re down, and this is exactly the case in the UK. The UK is at a turning point economically and politically. As of now, the euro costs less than the US dollar, which hasn’t happened in exactly two decades! Their economy is going under, but nobody expected the nail in the coffin, the Queen’s death.

The Unexpected
On September 8th, 2022, the unexpected happened. The Prime Minister walked out to a very concerned crowd, dropping a bomb on the whole world. “The queen has passed away,” said Liz Truss. With this, the time of the undying queen passes into memory. This news shocked not only the Commonwealth, but the entire world. The queen’s influence reached every corner of the globe. She was a modern day icon and legend, just like Betty White.

What Now?

For now, the Queen will be lying in state at Buckingham Palace. She will later be driven in a royal procession led by the new king, to Westminster Hall for her memorial and funeral service. She will then be transported to Windsor Castle where she will be lowered into the royal vault, with the rest of the late royal family members, as her final resting place. The 10 days of mourning began as soon as she was pronounced dead and is a large royal procession to honor the late queen. It will end once she is finally resting in the royal vault.

How does this affect me?
With the new monarch in England, clearly some things are bound to change. The new monarch, King Charles III, is a much different person from his mother. In the past he has been a rather controversial figure, especially in the royal family, due to the scandal of his affair and death of his ex-wife, Princess Diana. Charles seems to be a much more opinionated man than his mother which might change the philosophy of neutrality the royal family adopted during Queen Elizabeth II. This could very well change some foreign policies and relations with other countries. It really is up in the air how King Charles will affect the country and commonwealth, but for now all that is certain is he is no Queen Elizabeth.

The Finale
The new era, whether it’s a new chapter in school or a new chapter in politics, change always seems to come unexpectedly. The legacy and changes Queen Elizabeth II left behind will never be forgotten, and while her death was unexpected, it wasn’t tragic. The Queen left her mark on her people forever, and for now the only thing we all can do is keep moving forward into this new era.