Senior night, what’s the rush?

Addison Rives

Ivar Toskey, Alyssa Richmond, and Lilah Burdette don their senior hats!

On August 27, this year’s seniors in band made their way to the first football game of the year. Why did they all attend? For senior night of course. many seniors were caught off guard by such an early game chosen for senior night, whereas previous years students had much more time to prepare for the event.

Normally seniors all don their charged up attire for homecoming, but for band kids it’s different. Band seniors wear their overalls on the field when they perform for senior night, in contrast to the homecoming game, where they stay in their normal uniform.

“I didn’t even go to senior night, I had to work that day, and I didnt hear about it till wednesday that week, but I wanted to go. There was no way I would really have enough time to paint my overalls in 2 days, do my schoolwork, and go back and forth between work,” Kendall Mcfarland said. “I didn’t even have enough time to take off, because we’re required to have a two week notice.”

Some seniors expressed their gripes with this lack of notice, stating that time for getting ready for such an important night was stripped from them. Quite a few students missed the game altogether, just like Kendall McFarland did.

“I really would’ve liked to get some notice, I didn’t even get an email or anything.” McFarland said.

“I would have chosen a later date and maybe have flyers in the school. I understand why they didn’t do it and it was the first week of school and that friday. But they could’ve just sent an email saying, Hey! It’s senior night, this is what we’re doing. Cause I only heard it from the prograd announcement,” said McFarland, giving her opinion on how she would’ve run senior night.

“I heard rumors that senior night was going to be the football game awhile ago, but it wasn’t anything confirmed. We also thought it was going to get moved, as why would it be the first game?” Said Ivar Toskey, a member of the Colorguard in this year’s marching show.

“I think senior night went pretty well, they could do another one to make sure everyone has their stuff ready, because a lot of seniors weren’t done with their overalls.” Said Toskey.

Timing aside, the actual senior was fairly well received. There wasn’t anything special in the night, however, the football team securing a strong win against Jesuit Strake was definitely a plus. But in contrast, the Charger Marching Band felt a bit different about their own performance.

“There were definitely some problems, like timing and some issues with the drum majors. I will say though, it was the first real performance of the year, it’s always the lower one. But the only way to go is up.” Said Toskey.

After senior night, the year seems hopeful. The school has gotten more prepared for later games, putting flyers around the school for each spirit day this season, and announcing the game dates over the announcements. Overall, even after the rush leading up to senior night, many more fun events are in store for this year’s student body.